Curious to find out what type of leadHer you are?

Explore our profile types and discover your unique strengths and potential blocks that may be holding you back.

🔑 Unlock Your Potential 🔑

Choosing The Path of Least Resistance for

Your Profile Type's Easiest Way to Succeed

Are YOU...



Come join & see the other women who have found success, by knowing their profile type, and unblocking their success, the female designed way.

What's YOUR LeadHER Type?

We are on a mission to empower women, break barriers, break all their glass ceilings and help you discover your true leadHership potential.

Join us and unleash your limitless success.

Success Unblocking for Women LeadHers

Discover Your LeadHership Profile Type

Overcome Your Obstacles and Lead with Confidence

Personalized Coaching for Female Leaders

Find Your Inner Leader and Excel in Your Field


so live your purpose & succeed,

your way.

"Discovering the path to activating your empowerment legacy involves embracing the intricate tapestry of your being — from your inherent nature and the nurturing influences that shaped you, to the wisdom inherited from your ancestry. Your unique personality, aligned values, and the essence of your soul and spirit all converge to guide you towards this profound journey. Embrace every facet, including the undeniable power of the female factor within you. These elements together illuminate the pathway forward, empowering you to leave a lasting legacy of empowerment and inspiration."